We have mentioned before that Godot 4.0 is being developed with Vulkan support, having reached a 6th report. That doesn’t mean version 3 stopped being updated. After all version 4 will not be backwards compatible.

The detailed updated can be read here. Here’s a summary for the impatient:

  • Better documentation, including completeness, modern theme and better written
  • Mono/C# support for Android and WebAssembly
  • Oculus Quest and ARKit support
  • Overhaul of visual shaders
  • Improvements to graphics, including MSAA, flow, DOF blur and BCS support, as well as better defaults
  • FBX and glTF 2.0′ support
  • WebRTC support
  • New Android build and plugin tools
  • Possibility to disable editor features to simplify the interface
  • Git support
  • Minimap viewer
  • Boomarks in scripts
  • Icons on code completion
  • Pseudo 3D and Texture Atlas support
  • Better anchors and margin workflow
  • Real time text effects
  • Audio stream generators
  • Improved convex decomposition, using V-HACD

So a lot of features even though the main focus is Godot 4.0. If you’re a game developer be sure to try Godot.