Sometimes there are games that made by a single person on his spare time that have very high quality. Bright Memory is a FPS mixed with action genres. It was developed by the one man army FYQD Studio, a guy called Zeng Xiancheng.

Here’s the trailer:

It looks very nice, specially considering it was developed by one person. Obviously the assets weren’t made by Zeng and in fact there is some controversy around it. Zeng admitted he used some models without getting a license, modifying those so he wouldn’t be caught. I guess he did get caught in the end.

Either way I don’t see how this is much different from a regular FPS. The Steam score is very positive but there are some reviewers stating, while impressive for a single developer, it’s a bland game that doesn’t really know what it wants to be, with terrible controls. The game is cheap, costing only $4.68 with a 30% discount on Steam. It’s kind of a sketchy game but if you want to try something different there’s your chance.