So apparently there’s this new remake of an old MSDOS game that I used to play. Suspicious Spaceroads is a game developed by Sami Kilani. According to the developers it is heavily inspired by Skyroads.

First here’s Skyroads gameplay:

So as you can see it’s a single player racing game that requires a lot of precision. It was a very popular game at the time that even got Christmas special.

Skyroads was itself a remake of Kosmonaut:

It’s the same game but with worse graphics and also much slower. These are the two games made by Bluemoon, a small company of three Estonian guys. In fact it was the first Estonian game to be sold abroad, getting the company 5000 USD, in 1993. In 1999 the company went bankrupt. Apprently none of them got back into game development (as far as I know) but they still got a lot of money in software development and investments.

Anyway here’s the trailer for the new 3D game:

He’s a shill guy alright. The graphics really suck but it doesn’t even cost $1 so you get what you pay for. Hard to tell if it’s good or not specially since it doesn’t have a single review. At least someone tried to make a game inspired by Skyroads.

By the way, let’s just forget this game ever existed: