Proton released today fixing a lot more bugs and adding new features to the integrated Windows gaming compatibility layer for Linux. Proton versions always match Wine versions so if you want to know what was fixed you need to check both.

You can check Wine 5.0 changes here and the Proton specific changes here. Let’s go over some of the changes:

  • Direct3D 9 games use DXVK by default. Of course this means you need Vulkan support. All modern cards support it.
  • More games that use Denuvo are playable (e.g., Just Cause 3, Batman: Arkham Knight, Abzu)
  • Multi-monitor support
  • Fullscreen Direct 3D applications inhibit the screensaver
  • Mono Engine updated to version 4.9.4
  • XAudio2 libraries re-implemented to use the external FAudio library, improving compatibility
  • Better Media Fundation libraries support
  • MSI patch file and WUSA tool support

So basically more games are now supported with better performance and compatibility. Maybe some of games you would like to try now work. Unfortunately the WMV support is not ready yet. Anyway it’s another step forward for Linux gaming.